Press Information

Anna Tögel is a Brand & Content manager for event companies, project planner, graphic designer. She lives and works in Vienna (Austria). Her professional experience includes international communication, strategic project planning, innovation, brand management, art promotion and event organization. Anna fluently speaks Russian, English, German and some Swedish.

Anna Tögel's Professional competences include:

  • Corporate identitiy, Image, Product development, ready to sale packaging.
  • Text, graphics, video editing, websites
  • B2B, B2C communication, consulting on marketing strategies, registration and event hosting, invoicing, social media
  • Business networking, corporate events. Performing arts, classical music, strings department (orchestra management)

Anna Tögel offers management services to small and medium size enterprises and Performing Art & Culture organizations, companies and associations.


Business type: EPU
Owner/ CEO: Anna Tögel
Business license location: Vienna, Austria
Company postal address: 1220 Wien,Tamariskengasse 102
Corporate purpose: Event Management
Scope of the company's activities: Culture, Performing arts
Tax number: VAT Free/ Kleinunternehmerregelung
Chamber of commerce: WKO
Commercial authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien

Start up in June 2015
Company on Hold (in pause) since January 2017